9:10 AM
by Gene
And in more dithering blather, this from The New Yorker -- yes, The New Yorker -- Caleb extrudes 4,532 WORDS in a state of alarm over the tragic fact that PEOPLE ARE NOT READING!!!!!We'd argue with people spending so much time before a monitor they're reading more than ever. No, it may not be the civilized behavior of Eustace Tilley cozying himself up in an easy chair with a book and his monocle, but it's reading. If it's people not reading the
right things, one may ask, is it EHDYUKAYSHUN? Of course. But with 5 MILLION BOOKS IN PRINT every year maybe it's the books themselves too. A culture that can turn out 5 MILLION BOOKS A YEAR is not illiterate, though it may barely be literate. With so many books and so little time people may have other more pressing things to do. No, one could argue people are reading -- and writing -- TOO MUCH.
(Via several of the usual sources that engage in such posting)