Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Sunday, December 23, 2007
OH oh, guess which immortal masterwork went kerflooey in the marketplace this weekend -- the one with the SINGING BARBER!
This could make A Little Night Music look good. It also appears many of the WIDE-EYEDLY ACCLAIMED IMMORTALITIES didn't do so hot either -- like the one about JOE WILSON'S...never mind. This is a catastrophe in PINCHDOM and its overlapping kingdom of SONDHEIMANIA. Though we're not that familiar with THE GREATEST MUSICAL -- pardon, OPERA EVER we suspect it might have worked as a Charles Addams kind of film -- nothing offensive, just good ghoulish laughs. Instead DER KULT got worked up over its self-importance, and with the help of ARM-WAVING ENTHUSIASTS it's deposited an egg almost as big as KERNGERSHWIN HAMMERSTEIN laid two years ago. And did the world NEED a parody of WALK THE LINE? And now come the RECRIMINATIONS -- SUMNER SOLD IT THE WRONG WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing wrong with the movie, to be sure -- THERE NEVER IS. Hmmm: Could HERR DOKTOR sue SUMNER for MARKETING MALPRACTICE? I'm not sure he should -- SUMNER may have paid for BLOG MENTIONS. By the way...what IS a "Brian Lowry"?