7:56 PM
by Gene
The other day one of The Corner's inmates stomped his feet and screamed "
UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!" at
a Paper of Re-CORD writer's suggestion that "the tedious and humiliating rigmarole of airport security" was "unjustified."
Now the Harvard School of Public Health has said the same thing. Of course there are many reasons for the tedious and humiliating rigamarole, including a seven-letter plural proper noun that begins with a capital M and an eleven-letter singular common noun that begins with a lower-case b, and a four-letter acronym that begins in A and ends in U (and let us not forget a seven-letter plural common noun beloved of con-SER-va-tives that begins with a lower case p and ends with an $), but that we haven't had an incident in over six years may not mean the system is working, or that it's any good. There must be a better way, but so long as we have Dubyas and ossified airline execs and PC con-SER-va-tives there won't be any.