Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, January 25, 2008

Notable Passage from that 2000 NYTimes Endorsement… [Rich Lowry]
…of McCain:

...He broke further with the Republican leadership to oppose Mr. Bush's outsized tax-cut scheme as too weighted toward the wealthy....


These imbeciles should NOT talk about the economy. Just a few days ago even GEKKO KUDLOW, who'd gloated all through the MASSACRE RALLY and belched this "recession" biz was leftist news-hack hooey and insisted Goldilocks was still firmly ensconced in the house, finally admitted the bears chased her out. This is one reason the con-SER-va-tive movement is in danger: its uncritical support for big biz and the MEGARICH, and anything that will make them bigger and MEGARICHER -- at the PEOPLES' expense.

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