Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A GROSS INJUSTICE: The driver who KILLED the immortal David Halberstam has been sentenced to FIVE DAYS in JAIL -- which he'll serve in a SUPERVISED WORK PROGRAM!!!!!!!!!!

We get exercised over this because for weeks after Halberstam's death there were posts EVERY BLASTED DAY in Romy with the steady drumbeat of news hacks DEMANDING JUSTICE. This was a terrible accident, and the driver has no doubt suffered much, but by DEMANDING JUSTICE the hacks all but insisted there was a willfulness to it -- which there may not always be with such accidents.

We also got exercised because this mighty obsession with the accident was just another flattering reflection of the hacks' mirror back at them. We may further wonder how many of those who got so angry have referred to the psychotic killer of our Marines in Beirut as a MILITANT.

Which MILITANT intransigence certainly has nothing to do with Rom's latest post:

New York Times to eliminate 100 newsroom jobs this year

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