Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Sunday, February 10, 2008
If it's SUNDAY, it must be Big-Double-A-Scribble Time:
1. No news organization seems capable of writing an article on talk radio without citing the publisher of Talkers, who is to this biz what PAUL DRECK is to fillum, or Perfesser Thompson is to pop-cultyure. Perhaps this is another topic the hacks will have to ditch thanks to their incompetence. 2. Cheer up, much put-upon ad-persons: there's more big money coming your way: thanks to politicians! Then you can really throw it at the fan! 3. Speaking of Democrats: MICHAEL COPPS FOR FCC CHAIRMAN! 4. Sorry, editors of the Big-Double-A-Scribble, Steve Yastrow is right. (Corrected 2/16/2009; I gave that overexposed self-appointed expert of talk radio the wrong title.)