2:08 PM
by Gene
We weren't too fond of gym in school but we can still appreciate
A friend of mine went to high school with Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury.
"He was a nice enough fellow," the friend told me in his lyrical Welsh tones. "But whenever we had rugby or gym he seemed to have a note from his mother saying that he was ill and couldn't do sport."Which we found after clicking onto
this "porn" (via
Mark Steyn, who at least has taken a brief vacation from worshiping FREE EN-TER-PRISE).
P. S.McRae is founder of the Elvis Sighting Society headquartered at Moe's World Famous Newport Restaurant in Ottawa. It has raised more than half a million dollars for local charities. He also remains good friends with its owner, Moe Atallah. He has appeared twice on television's Jerry Springer Show to make his case that Elvis is alive and well and living in Tweed, Ontario, Canada.
And without question a brilliant columnist, and probably one who couldn't do sport either.