8:35 AM
by Gene
And as everyone in the geographically (and otherwise) narrow confines of Branson East knows, Thursday saw
The Second Coming at the St. James Theater. What was supremely vexing about this is that some time ago when a big hot new show opened the nation knew it; the cast album sold millions, and it made the cover of
Time. Now the Lord returns as His daughter Mama Rose and no one who isn't Ben Brantley or a show queen notices. Of course the unanimous raves alone arouse suspicion. And what ought to be a rollicking musical becomes a penance because the ad-blurbists believe a property isn't GREAT unless the audience suffers. Now Little Jeremy, whom we've never had much love for since SUPERADAM!!!!! fired John Simon because he was too old and hated David "Con-SER-va-tive" Mamet, admits to
a little skepticism, something you will never see in the fundamentalist churches of pop culture. We know from
their recent global warming controversy that even the Southern Baptists aren't as unanimous as ad-blurbists. And when everyone takes the RIGHT side of the pop-culture debate, the culture suffers.
We would further note that the Lord made His first appearance at said same theater seven years ago, and He looked like Mel Brooks. Either God has changed sexes or Ben Brantley, as usual, doesn't know what he's talking about, and doesn't know very effortlessly.