8:15 AM
by Gene
The sad, very sad, extremely sad, infinitely sad story of how
Zeitgeist has offered 111 staffers buyouts touches us deeply. Especially the talk of -- "institutional memory." Why, who knew the rag that ran the Hitler Diaries and the Koran in the toilet had a memory? We thought it had amnesia -- and a pretty good case too. (Insititutional memory is a neat excuse legisla-TORS use when they don't want to lose their jobs en masse.) That said, first off, we doubt most readers will notice their absence -- until the rag gets skinnier, and that's only because the rag has fewer staffers. Second off, this confirms news rags (save for
The Econowiz, which was saved by the Bugmeister) are irrelevant and purposeless, and the sooner their smug glibness vanishes the better. Alas, most of the high-paid CW writers will still be there...including (we suspect) the EXTREMELY BELOVED DAVID ANSEN, who, if we had to guess, was the source for this piece. But that's just a guess.
(Via MediaBistro)