10:20 AM
by Gene
Donors had begun to complain that while the Campaign to Defend America had built a large organization – it has, Brock said, 29 staffers, most devoted to "research," – it had failed to show it could mount a large-scale media campaign....
Brock's words, and his unpaid chairmanship, reflect alarm that Democrats are missing an opportunity to define McCain, even as the presumptive nominee tours the country telling his own story. The plan, conceived last fall, had been for the Fund for America to raise $100 million from wealthy Democrats, and to transfer it to groups including the Campaign to Defend America and America Votes, a Soros-backed independent group aimed a strengthening Democrats' field organizing.
But Fund for America has been unable to raise the money, and Campaign to Defend America had agreed not to raise its own money. Last Thursday, Brock said, he informed an official of the fund that his group would begin directly raising its own funds, a move that puts the usefulness of the Fund for America in question.TRANSLATION: Actions speak louder than LIES.P. S. at 12:47 p.m.
I think too often conservatives viewed Brock as simply a traitor — not that there is anything inaccurate about that — but failed to see that his real talent was as a fundraiser and businessman.Doesn't that make him a TRUE con-SER-va-tive?