8:07 PM
by Gene
I finally heard --
the REMARKS our pundit superiors are in such a big foamy airy bubble about. The Messiah starts off all right, if restating the obvious: that much of the Rust Belt has seen little change in decades. Then instead of suggesting a solution He unaccountably goes into the kind of automatic pilot we'd expect of a God Who's done well for Himself, the distillation of what every limousine liberal has thought since the first Rolls, but it never occurs to Him it might be off the mark because He's never talked to an unadmiring crowd before, especially in the mirror, and natch this crowd praised the Lord too. I will not guess whether the remarks do anything good or bad -- this campaign's coverage has been nothing but guesses -- but I will say The Messiah may be one of the most inept public speakers this side of...DUBYA. And he doesn't even have the mitigating charm of non-sequiturs.