5:27 PM
by Gene
We think we figured out why Bill "Mensa Man" Carter sat on his stoop pondering the difficulties to joke over The Messiah: He is the MJ of politics. I do not mean that flatteringly. MJ was all hoops and nothing else. If he had a personality it was consumed by the black hole of intensity that was his career. [NO PUN INTENDED.] The Messiah is all intensity; He doesn't smile unless He has to. Moreover it is hard to imagine a human trait on which jokemeisters could hang a bad gag. Think of every recent president: Ike had his addle-patedness and his nuculars; Kennedy his Hahvahd accent, LBJ his oh-so-serious twang, Nixon his thumpheting and his silly gestures with his arms, Ford his clumsiness, Carter his earnestness and dopey grin, Reagan his helmet-like hair and out-of-it style, Papa his verbal weirdness, Clinton his yakking lechery, Dubya his ditziness. The Messiah has no such traits -- or rather if He does they're purely administrative, which is why His campaign has made one mistake after another -- somebody running it is human. He is politics unto its perfection and why His exceedingly high regard for Himself has become His Achilles heel.