Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, August 16, 2008

It appears from yesterday's USAOKAY!!!!! (which I just saw) the hacks have hit upon a new MO: the newspaper front page as smiley-face. Since we cannot report on things political and societal without reverting to our DEFAULT MODE we must report on things that (we think) will make our readers smile -- which not-so-coincidentally happen to be the things that make US smile. The Bionic Swimmer is wonderful, Woodster the Perv's latest masterwork is wonderful -- everything having to do with US is wonderful. They think that by putting a smiley face on the front page they'll get back the thousands of workers who've been fired because for decades we were better than our readers. But the approach merely affirms that however idiotically he grins a news hack remains as smilingly trustworthy as a used-car salesman, that USAOKAY!!!!! is stuffing for hotel rooms, and that the best use for newspapers remains in litter boxes and bird cages.

And having just been to the NEWSEUM's site and seen all the front-pages that look nearly like USAOKAY!!!!! without plagiarism I can safely say there will be thousands more firings.

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