Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

One should never trust con-SER-va-tive Web sites during a Republican convention (and the mirror opposite of course is true), but at least from their take BIGMEDIA's having a nervous breakdown. Gov. Palin as Caligula's horse is just one manifestation; race wars are another. We can't be sure why it should be so upset, exactly; it can still get out the vote with its adjectives. But (and we hate to repeat these numbers -- AGAIN) MNI at $3.39 and GCI at $17.38 would seem to show its power is somewhat abated.

What currently puzzles us about Boobs's pick is that she is occasioning the kind of happy hysteria in Republicans that she's occasioning in a different way with news hacks. This is a variation of that TNR typist saying TERRIFIC!!!!! to Four-Score. It's possible she will be a TERRIFIC!!!!! campaigner. We could have wished for a more inspirational pick; but a campaign starring such titans as Four-Score is hardly inspirational. Indeed we should ask whether nothing's at work here but plain old hermetically-sealed delusion.

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