Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, September 05, 2008

The PAUL DRECK of consultants whose name inspired a holiday has made up a number that fantasy football costs American business $9 billion a year in "productivity". It also made up these numbers: "[S]couring injury reports or making trades...occup[ies] workers for more than an hour a week!!!!! Fantasy football aficionados spend more than a half hour a day just thinking about their teams!!!!!" (Unproductive overemphasis added.) We will gladly say fantasy sports are D-U-M DUM but even the intrepid reporter who wrote this column admits the fans of fantasy football would be wasting their time elsewise, like maybe playing solitaire. We doubt fantasy leagues of any kind have interfered with "productivity" growth -- though they've certainly made an unnecessarily well-known consulting firm an unneeded boost of its own.

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