Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, September 05, 2008

Two zillionaires talkin'. That shore is a great way to sell XP ME, BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWLMER!

How many decades ago did these two zillionaires last grace a shoe store?

It's apparently just a "teaser ad," Brad Brooks, corporate VP-Windows consumer product marketing at Microsoft, said in a video interview on Microsoft's press site, about the first spot in a closely watched $300 million campaign. It is meant to "get the conversation going."

Just like the conversations you get going at SLASHDOT?

As for the ad, it's one of those cutesy-pie-weird types that's supposed to make us not notice it's two zillionaires talking.

Two-and-a-half stars and many admiring comments from the You Tube audience. Once again, they're smarter than their media betters.

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