5:14 PM
by Gene
Con-SER-va-tives are making a thing over
Vice-President Kinnock's words. Like so many hack pols he wouldn't know a clear sentence if it hit him on the head with its nouns. We think what Neil meant is that in an unpredictable world, a rogue leader might want to tweak The Messiah, especially early on, but he's up to the challenge, and don't mistake his youth of callowness. Enamored of his copious verbiage, however, and under the guidance of a God who has more than a bit of the nonjudgmental in Him, he almost made it sound as though The Lord might cave under pressure. We can't be sure of course -- we figure Boobs McKeating might think of firing off his six-shooters when threatened -- but that Neil has once again subjected The Lord to a tiny and manageable controversy says something about the state of political oratory, and the state of political egos.