Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, October 13, 2008

Finally, four years after telling us we were on the cusp of a NEW DAWN IN COMMUNICATIONS, the hacks admit it: Harold -- Sloane is finished.

At last! I got his name right!

"He took radio, which was akin to the used-car business, and made it a vital part of the entertainment business."

No no -- LOWSY MAYS took radio from the used-car business into the NEW-CAR business.

And look where it got CHEAP CHANNEL!

P. S. We are in dangerous territory here: what with the proverbial second acts in American life and NEWS HACKS it may be premature to write off any of their cretinous favorites as "finished"; but I can just see him trying to get back on the radio. "Herbert -- who"?

And all the teens will think him an overaged hippie or a dirty old man.

Oh jeez, his name IS Herbert.

P. P. S. from a disciple:

“Radio today is so bad, it's embarrassing.”

Look at it this way, Horace: you're embarrassing in private.


(First link via IWantMedia)

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