Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, October 27, 2008

I think I know why these Blutos cheering gets on my nerves. Fifty years ago fans would have celebrated with a few minutes of cheering and camaraderie and quiet contentment. Now the game is for child-men to see who can make the biggest drunken ass of himself, all because they saw it in a fifth-rate "comedy". It's this desire for permanent adolescence that has scarred the boomers and their offspring. Permanent adolescence may be at the heart of the mindless spending that has brought on the credit mess. I could do without the Blutos showing off. Fortunately a blowout on a Sunday night has taken some of the sting out of their celebration.

And what with Selig's brilliant management this could be the first single-digit-rated SELIGFEST ever. People are only watching here, in a town thinking it can cheer off low esteem and arrested development; they're barely watching in Tampa. The Bill Gates of Sport deserves it. But does America deserve it? We once followed the Series, the Miss America Pageant, the Os-CARĀ®s. Now they're shadows. What good does it obtain us not to be able to hang our hopes on anything?

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