Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Looks as though A CONSERVATIVE SATIRE is a flat-out BOMB, and it couldn't have helped that the immortal Mr. Zucker withheld it from the ad-blurbists, much like the makers of any SAW (his reasoning, given to an ever-understanding Mogul's Friend, that they're knee-jerk liberal, which is true, but which does underestimate their capacity for revisionism). But we'd guess it's not just the Zeitgeist; we'd like to think the public can smell when it's being condescended to a veritable mile off, and we'd further guess Mr. Zucker wasn't merely condescending, he was full-bore hectoring.

Even if we agree, for the purposes of Zucker's argument, that a substantial majority of film critics are politically liberal (as we might agree that a substantial majority of leading Wall Street investors are Republican).... [Link added]

And that's from 2006; if anything it's probably more lopsided now. Mogul's Friend is dense as usual.

P. S. I just saw the (P-U!) trailer. When we're making two-left-footed fun of Michael Moore it says we're aiming a peashooter at a target that's flown a thousand miles away -- and the darned thing won't fire.

Vivendi should stick to [C]RAP.

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