2:56 PM
by Gene
Speaking of share prices,
Jonny works for a company that is down 65 PERCENT from its all-time high;
Mark works for a company that is down ALMOST 90 PERCENT. Do they care for share prices? No. Do they care for their fellow employees, especially the ones who don't make their six and seven digits? No. So long as THEY have jobs and so long as THEY are better than their readers, nothing will matter, so they can spin until the whole universe gets whirled up in their vortex.
This is not to say rightists can't spin. We saw that when NRO's effete snobs tried to turn the airhead SARAH!!!!! into a goddess. But this is to say so long as people like Jonny and Mark can talk down to their readers with impunity we should do everything we can to see their employers' share prices get closer to zero, even though Jonny and Mark are likely to be among the LAST to lose their jobs.