Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, October 17, 2008

This latest backscratching from the Big V assumes the reason movies stink is because of increasingly absurd pay to the A stars who increasingly don't deliver. Reduce the pay and you have "more interesting and varied movies"; why, the biz "could lure adults back to theaters and appeal to niche markets without having to play it safe with four-quadrant pics." But isn't the four-month long Os-CARĀ® campaign an appeal to niche markets? Isn't that product putatively aimed at adults? (Ad-blurbists are NOT adults.) And this buncombe of four-quadrant pics (beware media buzz words) is code for making dense and offensive movies whose sole reason is to flip the bird to the viewer. Haven't your bosses been doing just that for the last fifty years? No, even if the people who extrude these tentpoles can control costs count on some thoroughly oblivious financiers with stars on the brain to push more moolah their way. As the saying goes (and we've said it before) money, like electricity, follows the path of least resistance, and that path wends its way through Hollywood, to light up more dim-bulb flicks that blow out in a week.

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