Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

This morning I was in a sour mood. I no longer refer to any professional sports team in the first person plural. I have reasons. All a championship does is make the owners richer and break up the franchise. Once we had strong civic ties to our sports teams. The players lived in our midsts, didn't they? I doubt if many of our city's Seligism franchise live in the area, let alone Philadelphia. The public knows better; the TV ratings for this year's Seligfest are a bomb. The "sport" has devolved into strong regional franchises propped up by CEOs and cable systems, indeed so strongly wedded to regionalism and cable as to take away its national following. Three decades ago the mass might have cared who won the Series. Does it care now?

As for "our" team, I suppose (being a municipal worker) we'll get half-a-day off to "celebrate". Knowing how stupids overran Broad Street the last time I think I'll go to the library.

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