Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We do not know whether The Paper of Re-CORD ran this because with a New Era of Love and Harmony ready to blossom it could afford to be condescending, or whether it was engaged in one of those showy displays of conscience meant to reassure the world it isn't run by demagogic automatons, but in its own bass-ackwards way the Paper tells us that a key danger to the arts is conformity. Perhaps people in the thea-TAH biz can afford to smile with their superior worldview, but our culture is dying because it is extruded by like-minded people from the same meat-grinder, using the same rancid ingredients. But as the tragic tale of that dimwit Mr. Zucker tells us the token conservative won't do; nor will it do for token conservatives to ape the tantrums of liberals. And it's not just plays; we're in our financial mess because RealTORS and bankers and brokers think so much alike, to such deadly effect. It will take a miracle beyond even The Messiah to revive our arts, and they will not revive so long as they manifest the comfort of their superiority and likemindedness so unintentionally on display here.

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