12:04 PM
by Gene
At the top of their game news hacks will spend more time splitting hairs than telling facts. The events in India have forced us again to confront their industry's tap dance around the word "terrorist." We know of how some hacks say one man's terrorist blahblahblah, but in their insistence not to "cause offense" (and usually only to
their friends) they have turned MILITANT into exactly the same kind of code-term they insist TERRORIST is, and in so doing have shielded themselves further from having to tell the truth. Why can't these morons relay the news in a way that transcends their obsession for playing favorites?
A new "solution" may be "
gunmen"; but that doesn't work either as it turns these thugs into apolitical Al Capones who just like to play with their toys. When did this invisible brick wall come down between news hacks and the truth?