Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, November 09, 2008

By the way, Herr Foods, Inc. has reintroduced the 6-oz. potato chip bag. Anyone who eats potato chips has encountered The Incredible Shrinking Potato Chip Bag. Such a stratagem is stupid in two ways: first, the customer knows the contents are shrinking, and resents it; and second because stupid outfits like Herr's have downsized repeatedly this past year it means constantly retooling the production line, which we'd guess eats up some of the supposed profits. It's for that reason I'd guess that the big cola bottlers haven't changed the sizes of their bottles or cans as that would cause disruptions throughout several industries. The best thing to do is leave the portion sizes alone, and raise prices when necessary; but because consumer-products CEOs think they run the CIA they will only continue to play tricks with their product lines -- and because so many now associate Big Biz with Republicanism in the worst way such nonsense might not help the GOP rebrand either.

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