Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Little did we realize when we posted the ethereal Lynda's picture yesterday that the TWXSTERS and their movie division DC COMICS are engineering a MAMMOTH PR stunt for their supposedly Wonderful Woman, pitting three "actresses" one against another, two with sound-alike names and look-alike faces. We give the one Megan the in, though, for demanding her own tanning bed on a movee set.

Some publicist has even used the ever-reliable Wikipedia to liken one of the Megans to Sophia Loren, and given that he uses "whilst" I say he works for either the Daily Mail or SLIME.

One other thing: Anyone ever hear the song "You Do Something to Me"? Sophia would do something to me. Lynda would do something to me. None of these auditioning heart throbs would do something to me. Indeed I find it hard to distinguish between your typical female movee star and some, rank PR0N -- actresses. They share the same overchiseled bodies and blank stares.

And something Sophia and Lynda didn't have: TATTOOS.

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