Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

RENDELLISM: Classic RENDELLISTS think AHT will save the world -- or at least their urban precincts. So the town fathers of Manchester built this starburst. And one can see the excitement -- in this photo anyway it's a truly stunning thing. (It's not so hot looking, however, in the day.) But RENDELLISTS being what they are they never figured that a 180-TON SCULPTURE might develop crotchets, especially in -- how do we say this? -- WEATHER. And something like this was NOT going to defy physics. With so many pieces falling off the citizens should count themselves lucky nobody got impaled by a muse. And of course it was WAY over budget. Now Manchester has reached a settlement with the AHTIST, which will not change the fact that the town fathers were alone responsible in putting aside their sense to get their city in the papers -- and their brainstorm will most likely have to be demolished anyway. That is the DOWNSIDE of RENDELLISM, a downside as costly as Taj Mahal stadiums and white-elephant convention centers -- even if it is sexier.

(Times link via the usual ArtsJournal)

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