Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, February 01, 2009

I suppose the better team won. It would be impossible to know which team took the less tax dollars. Seeing how the Bidwells shook down Arizonans I'm thinking the Steelers may be the better team.

That I think in terms of tax dollars shows how much the pro sports leagues have defiled themselves.

P. S. When the latest miracle of the ages ended it was roughly 3 a. m. in London, 4 a. m. in Berlin, and 6 a. m. in Moscow -- and noon in Tokyo, where I doubt too many Japanese watched it live. To most of the world it's still "American football." (Which does not prevent some jackass named Tom from belching, "The international audience is estimated at a billion", conveniently using the passive voice to justify a factoid he can't confirm. I guess the British press stinks too.)

One other indication how earth-blazingly important this is: It's the lead story on, of course -- and eleventh down the list of "Top Stories" on International. Yes it's the TWXSTERS showing off, but not entirely.

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