Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, February 06, 2009

It appears LALA is out to have TEN Mogul's Friends -- or as Pete must mourn:

Certainly for lovers of quality "Oscar movies," it's sad to see the third weekend of "My Bloody Valentine 3-D" outgrossing the likes of "Frost/Nixon," "Milk" and "The Reader" -- fine films with 18 academy nominations among them -- while playing on roughly the comparable number of screens. And don't even get me started on "Paul Blart: Mall Cop."

Perhaps someday Hollywood will find a way to merge its penchant for popcorn populist movies with its ego-driven desire to win Oscars.

"Paul Blart: Nazi Hunter," anyone?

NUMBER ONE, slasher porn has a large teen following, helped by non-enforcement of ST. JACK'S BOTULISM-LADEN ALPHABET SOUP. NUMBER TWO: Too many families use popcorn restaurants as a day care center. NUMBER THREE: Just because you hacks say a movie's good doesn't mean diddlysquat -- and even the moviegoing S&M phreaks don't like condescension. NUMBER FOUR: THANKS TO YOU HACKS AND YOUR FELLOW HACKS OF HOLLYWOOD QUALITY AND COMMERCIAL SUCCESS ARE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE -- AND AS LONG AS YOU WRITE BLURBS AND THEY WRITE SLASHER PORN, "FAMILY" MOVIES AND OS-CARSĀ® THEY'LL STAY THAT WAY.

Why must we have TEN MOGUL'S FRIENDS at LALA?

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