5:51 PM
by Gene
And in JEFF ZUCK's sermon today, a startling preachment:"What we've lost in terms of viewers and ad dollars on the traditional audience system is not being made up, not even close, on the digital side. Until we do that, there is a risk," he said.TRANSLATION: Despite
the Panglossian claims of outfits like Nielsen (whose MO seems to be to put the cheeriest numbers forth to soothe the reverse Robin Hoods), some -- yes, some -- people in the audience are departing television for good. They've had it with poor quality; they've had it shell-game scheduling; they've had it with putting the reverse Robin Hoods FIRST; they've had it with the constant excuses and denials of their anti-social tendencies; they've had it with ten-minute ad breaks; they've had it with the accreting minor irritations like bugs and crawlers and
snipes; they've had it with the sheer unmitigated contempt the likes of YOU and BEN SILVERMAN and PHIL GRIFFIN have for your viewers. In short, they've HAD IT, and no amount of legerdemain will change that. Sorry, ZUCK, I'd bet on there not being an UNTIL for YOU GUYS.