8:30 AM
by Gene
Europeans and Americans are never likely to coalesce: their cultural traditions are too strong and their solutions to the problem of regulating capitalism too distinctive. But they nevertheless have plenty in common—ageing populations, exploding entitlements and above all, at the moment, a wrenching recession. Europeans have thankfully toned down the America-bashing that was popular a few years ago. Americans might consider returning the compliment.Or as MS. TRAVERS would say,
AWFUL!!!!!Yes, it is that technodork's favorite rag, and yes, it is VERY CW, and yes, this is the sort of last-graf gag Zeitgeist is famous for, but at least whoever writes Lex know how to placate one side of his audience.Although the
Wiz' editors might have chosen a better subhed than "More nonsense about Europe and America", this rag having offered up its fair share thereof.