Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, March 23, 2009

I hate posting about DA POST!!!!!'s press releases but it's a wonder we haven't heard more about publicly-subsidized AHT from The One's acolytes. This fills the bill perfectly: public nudity for an audience of three. (It's from Snark's beloved "mumblecore" "movement", whose name appears to be so apt the movee ad-blurbists don't realize it, as though they realize anything.) That these exhibitionists' exhibitions will come and go without a trace says something about moveemaking these days.

NEUHARTHISM OF THE WEEK AWARD WINNING V. A.!!!!!, judging from your beautiful mug I 'd say it's time to retire -- five years ago.

P. S. No, of course it isn't the star of this Ted Mack production; that's Adele Mara, a B-movie actress of the golden age, whom I'd like to think would have given a good hard slap to any mumblecore mumbler. I post it to try to rid myself of the memory of the picture V. A. enclosed with his flack sheet. ("I am extremely fortunate that I have a boyfriend that is supportive. If he wants to close his eyes during those sections, I don't blame him at all." I think she could have slapped your boyfriend too.) Why in God's name can't actresses have faces? Or sense?

One thing though -- why was she seated like that? Not that we care.

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