7:03 PM
by Gene
If it's Sunday it must be Big Double-A-Scribble Time:
1. We have long grumbled over the MadAveMen's favorite anecdote: The infamous tobacco tyrant George Washington Hill once barged into some sort of meeting and proceeded to hock a great big loogie on a desk. "I WANT OUR ADVERTISING TO BE AS PLAIN AS THE SPIT ON THE DESK!!!!" he allegedly screamed, or something like that. And TV advertising has been PLAIN!!!!! for going on seventy years. That
Congresspoop Eshoo (gesundheit!) wants to lower the volume on commercials will probably be counterproductive and most likely unconstitutional. That "marketers" will continue to hock their loogies must also remain beyond question.
And in a definition of nincompoop:
"From the advertiser point of view, obviously they don't want to violate a law, but they may not have control over where the ad shows up," said Dan Jaffe, exec VP-government relations, Association of National Advertisers.Which is just how you REVERSE ROBIN HOODS want it.
2. And speaking of tobacco, liberals, who are so blasé about illicit drugs you'd think they were on them (and more than a few have been), have long SCREAMED!!!!! themselves to
regulate it. For once, however, con-SER-va-tives may be right when they say the FDA may have more important things to do (though they say it because ciggies are the drug of choice among con-SER-va-tives -- even if The One smokes them).
P. S. at 7:58 p. m.
I like my version better.