Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, March 13, 2009

It is bad enough that the hacks have spent the better part of three days on a moronic mutual publicity stunt; now they're aiming to make it a Rorschach test of their respective PC. The ponderous and pretentious Rodin's Thinker Mr. Fallows calls the ED MURROW OF COMEDY ED MURROW, while some opposite number at NRO blasts him for daring to take on BOOM! BOOM! -- the SOUL of FREE ENTERPRISE, the heart of TRUE AMERICANISM. Non-thinking on brainless stunts like this makes us imagine how much better life would be without computers, and especially without bloviating pundits of all stripes.

We give the last word (we hope) to Alessandra Stanley, who, despite her rep as something of a dweeb, we suspect described it accurately as "a Senate subcommittee hearing." That's an insult!

P. S. at 5:00 p. m. For the last several hours NRO has had some richly deserved problems. Now if the same would happen to some equally obstinate site on the other side.

P. P. S.

I am not sure Cramer understood that he had been shamed and was now being dismissed in much the same way that Sen. Joseph McCarthy was during the televised Army-McCarthy hearings when Army attorney Joseph Welch said to McCarthy, “Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?”

That landmark moment, which came in 1954 during one of the first live political telecasts in TV history, was the beginning of the end of the once-powerful witch-hunting senator.

TRANSLATION: I love myself as much as Mark "Baby" Hemingway -- whoever HE is.

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