10:47 AM
by Gene
Meantime PILLHEAD'S ACCENT tells us
a BLOGGER OF THE MILLENNIUM, who must live in a perpetual state of anger, believes America is turning into
a "banana republic." American Heritage
defines it as "a small country that is economically dependent on a single export commodity, such as bananas, and is typically governed by a dictator or the armed forces." If we're going to call The One a dictator, let us do so, but his dictatorship is marked by more flailing than orders. And if we're reduced to a single export commodity, it would have been FINANCE, that grew and grew in the golden age of FREE EN-TER-PRISE REPUBLICANISM, only to be ruined when its masters finally learned they were immortal, which certain BLOGGERS would have insisted was the God Ronald Reagan's truth. And we have exported FINANCE, big-time.
And certainly America isn't a small country, though in many ways it's been acting it.
By the way, BLOGGER, whatever happened to Carlos Gutierrez, the man you said would be
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT!!!!! at Commerce (which is why we stopped reading your blog)? Who knows? Who cares?