Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

REWRITE: God knows how often hacks essentially redo other papers' stories -- as with this one about a lecher who got teen cheerleaders drunk in his house, very craftily rewritten (or, given our earlier post, Farhied) by this StinkyInky Tabloid Edition writer. We must confess we'd have paid no mind to it except this guy throws screaming whining sieg-heil left-wing tantrums on a "blog" on the Tabloid Edition's site, which means he'd probably whine about such shenanigans if he were someone else. That the rewriter is a left-wing Neanderthal is only one reason we complain -- we needn't mention this publisher just declared bankruptcy. If its MO is to very lazily have its "talent" rewrite other papers' stories it should fold outright. That the Tabloid Edition is now officially just a sideways version of the StinkyInky also says that most newspapers don't compete regardless of their organization charts.

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