Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Somebody's brother says:

Have you noticed their coordinated effort to label Rush the leader of the Republican Party? Do you think it's accidental that James Carville so describes him? Do you think it's just coincidental that Obama called Rush out personally and that the entire flock of mainstream media sheep followed suit?

Could it be there's no Republican leader worthy of the name? Could it be Republicans have been so obsessively identified with big business and the hyperrich -- who aren't on anyone's popularity list anymore -- and con-SER-va-tives have been so obsessively devoted to their care and feeding, as to vacuum their ranks of leadership and thought? Could it be the opportunistic PILLHEAD stepped into the void to keep him and his CHEAP CHANNEL empire in the fore forever? Could it be we're sick and tired of all of you for your nonstop buck-passing?

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