Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Another tantrum for liberals: The authors of the exhaustive Yale series on Soviet Communism declare that "from 1936 to 1939 I.F. Stone was a Soviet spy", that he may have helped the noble cause during the war, and he was still on and off with Moscow until the Czech invasion of 1968. Hacks, of course, will ignore all this, just as they ignored the perfidy of Walter Duranty and Herbert Matthews, and its appearance in the NEOCON!!!!!!!!!! Commentary is total justification; but in Stone as with these men is the dark underbelly of the newsroom, which has had more than its share of overpaid simps ready to betray the nation for a higher ideal; and when forced, even Stone could not identify what that ideal was. We wonder if he truly had any regrets for it, aside from the belated show of conscience in '68.