Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The exzzzzzzzzzzzzzciting finish at the Players (Henrik who?) makes us wonder how much longer The Golfing Machine will be a prime force. There are lots of ballwhackers as technically proficient as he, and younger. Showing off the busted knee last year didn't help long haul. Let's not pity TGM for his monopoly on corner-office friends, but now's the time to start looking ahead -- and given its scintillating new personalities The Always-Capitalized TOURĀ®!!!!! may not want to.

It also hasn't escaped our notice that there've been a lot of not-so-close games in the ATTITUDE LEAGUE playoffs. But then it hardly bothers the show-off CEOs who take up most of the seats and sit on most of the hands. Question: How do you know you're at an NBA game? When it's tied with twenty seconds left -- and there's no crowd noise.

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