11:10 AM
by Gene
Jo-NAH, in witticisms to endure as long as the English language:For Kemp, the bigger the pile of manure, the more likely there was a Christmas pony somewhere. With Specter, spreading manure is always its own reward.
Kemp's death should be cause for deep reflection about what the Republican Party is about. Specter's defection is much less significant. Yes, we can appreciate that a rat is telling us something important when it flees a sinking ship, but we don't have to admire the rat.I wish I could think up a snappy rejoinder to this brilliance, but instead am reduced to NO COMMENT.
his Web site)
P. S. We had not typed of Jack Kemp because we could not think of anything to say other than he was the ultimate policy wonk, he ran with Mr. Viagra and he had a big hair helmet (not intending disrespect but that's all we could say). Con-SER-va-tives are awash in nostalgia largely because the Reagan he helped sweep into office was swept out last year by the ANTI-REAGAN, and we're stuck with him and his nostrums for some time.