Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, May 25, 2009

Last week there was a spat about MoDo's originality. (Link SIC!) Today we came across Mr. Nobel, and from his typing -- "the party of Rush Limbaugh", "the party’s growing extremism condemns it to seemingly permanent minority status", "blahblahblah" (well, that wasn't in there, but it might as well have been) -- we think we're right to say he phoned it in. (Or Blackberried it, the high-flying pundits not using phones anymore.) We're sure we've said it before, so we'll say it again: Most pundits go in to their papers virtually unedited. We doubt anyone has told off MoDo or Nobel or MB2 or David Gurgle Jr. in decades, if ever. They start off with the huge advantage of minds on autopilot from decades of BIG SALARIES! Any plagiarism, any dopey thinking, any repetition upon repetition upon repetition just zooms into their outlets because no one cares. The Human Fig Leaf can say he's sorry, but that's how it works, and he knows it. When you make SO MUCH MONEY!!!!! typing nobody's going to correct you. So our pundits snooze, while thankfully their outlets LOSE.

P. S. Nobel's mind and expense account were in Abu Dhabi.

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