Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, May 30, 2009

A revolt is brewing among the people who gave us the $500 million CEOs and the triple-A ratings and the SIVs. LEGENDARY WELCH is their man. Never mind if He helped bring on the mess by being Him, insuperable Him, insufferable Him -- He's leading a REVOLT!!!!! among people who rail at the system and cave in at once; who, because they can't do right, must be led kicking and screaming into it, knowing full well right is defined by certain "nonpartisans" and could hurt our economy. LEGENDARY is just the leader they need -- all bluff, all platitudes, all about firing people and making themselves rich. Sorry, we already tried that.

And if HENRY HONEST (who is quoting excessively from Him today) has his way, after The Revolution he and his cohorts will ban government regulation of securities and he can sell whatever he wants to at $10,000 a share!

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