4:56 PM
by Gene
Early today our time our God made
a speech, and I would not want to calculate the square mileage, the light years, the vast distances in galaxies' worth of blatherskite it has occasioned, in all places, on all sides. Such a speech is a higher order of platitude. Yet pundits of every description and higher income bracket must Kremlinologize about it as though such speeches have meaning. Most presidential speeches have no meaning, having been made meaningless by presidents who couldn't speak. That our new GREATEST PRESIDENT is also the GREATEST ORATOR since Patrick Henry does not change this, especially as it takes sixty ghosts to write his orations too. What compounds the nuisance is having to blog about everything. Blogging on the best of occasions is keeping up with the Joneses. Why should I expel more blatherskite just to prove I know my current events? And being increasingly irritated by what I learn and how I learn it I again fume at having to keep up with current events for often no reason. News is essentially a chronicle of luck, and too often it is the chronicle of people with too much good luck. The hacks, themselves recipients of too much unwarranted luck, merely reflect their milieu. In short, news is often irrelevant to me, and that's why keeping up with it is a chore now.