Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, June 22, 2009

GEORGE SOROS!!!!!!!!!! must have disbursed a small fortune lately (and you can be sure but for the chance to put His NAZI RIGHT!!!!! enemies into concentration camps He'd make the unrepentant Scrooge look like Andrew Carnegie building a few libraries), for the last few weeks I've encountered Greenpeace robots on street corners. To me they're glorified beggars. The vagrant goes searching for change; so do these robots. Actually the robots are worse because they're as perky as the emcees of the CBS Evening News and the morning plugfests, and at the end of the day I really don't want to smile. They do; hence they remind me of a beggar I shall call Mr. Stump, who had a face redecorated by a butcher, and who'd use his stump and his crutches to opportunistically block the sidewalk. When the robots start moving they're programmed to look you in the eye and follow your every move so you can't get by them. The irony is their bosses would have been TOBACCO LOBBYISTS in a more honest time. If GEORGE!!!!! is going to waste His money why can't He build a few American reeducation centers?

(See post of 8/11/2009.)

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