Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, June 15, 2009

I have not posted today because I simply had nothing to post on. I may post less in the coming weeks; yesterday I lopped nearly a thousand words off my never-to-be-published manuscript, meaning less than a thousand fewer words to be rejected. But still I march on, as I've marched for 25 years, hoping against hope to someday be published, knowing even if I am published I'll get a trifle for all the effort and grief.

I'll say this: blogging has helped me say things more pithily. This would seem preposterous given how many bloggers have won fame with giga-word posts. That I predicted THE 140-CHARACTER FAD's approach means zilch; brevity and jumble go well together. I think I can write, but I am getting tired of writing for no one, and for nothing. Now to see if I can make it pay.

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