Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Stories like the idiot Gov. Sanford's would have SHOCKED!!!!! people once. I react to them with a low-grade disdain. We expect our ruling superiors to flout the laws of God and man, and thanks to their charmed circumstances to get the second chances they don't deserve; we further know most of the guilty parties believe they did nothing wrong. (It is also a BI-PARTISAN pestilence despite the intense efforts of the hacks.) Moreover, whatever their own brains tell them, folks like these are not very bright. Besides, people who can't lay off their zippers won't lay off our wallets. The best for cretins like the Gov. and Sen. Ensign to do is to fade away like the old soldier, which can only mean their idiot lights will still shine their unwanted beams on the public.