5:18 PM
by Gene
We have not mentioned
the NO-SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN ZONE these last few days because the story, to use a phrase that should return to currency, makes us tired. Thanks to him and his partner in fraudulent invective the NO-SPIN (ETC.) ZONE OF THE LEFT and the other poisonous mushrooms they've caused to sprout all over cable outrage is a worthless commodity measured by ratings points. We see that in the thoroughly political table pounding knee-jerk liberals and their media mouthpieces are expressing with the sole notion of making the whole pro-life movement morally suspect thanks to a psycho. But back to NO-SPIN SPIN SPIN: Of course he didn't pull the trigger on the abortion doctor; knowing loony-rightists it could have been a phase of the moon. But perhaps there's truth in the butterfly's wings causing a hurricane; BIGMEDIA are a Rube Goldberg that can cause vile outcomes in the most preposterous ways. Besides there are enough loony-leftists who'd do the same thing to their enemies. (And just as some con-SER-va-tives have kept their mouths primly shut about NO-SPIN, so would liberals if he were one of theirs.) Trying not be evasive about it I'd say NO-SPIN (ETC.) isn't to blame, but he is not blameless either.