Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, July 27, 2009

The dimwit Effete Edelstein, who all but vanished when he left, has the guts to emote this about the Richard Brinsley Sheridan of the Age:

[I]t’s hard to feel sympathy for people who put so little soul into their work. Apatow has been around L.A. long enough to capture how showbiz males (especially Jewish) compete with one-liners: some good, most lame, many hostile....Funny People feels insular, as if Apatow’s whole world consists of nerdy jokesters who were angry, lonely kids who got rich beyond their dreams and f---ed women who’d never have talked to them in high school but are deep down still angry. [Sorry, I'm not SUPERADAM!!!!!!!!!! -- or Effete Edelstein.]

TRANSLATION: A highly self-regarding zillionaire can't do comedy worth a damn, but the ad-blurbists rave him to be in with the in-crowd.

The good news is magazines are losing ad revenues permanently too.

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