Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, July 19, 2009

From a con-SER-va-tive rag, alas:

[W]hen Bonnie and Clyde was released and soared, following an initial few weeks of failure, the Chicago Daily News columnist Mike Royko launched a mini-crusade to restore Clyde and Bonnie to their actual dimensions, as vicious murderers, no matter that (as the ad copy said) they were young, they were in love, and they robbed banks. The only thing that mattered about them, Royko said, was that they killed, and killed a lot of people. The critic of the New York Times, Bosley Crowther, then the oldest, whitest guy in New York, also dared to denounce the film; he not only felt the lash of social ostracism and contempt, he may have even lost his job as a consequence.

I thought they were both idiots. I know better now.

Heroism and villainy among news hacks will always out. Thus with Mike Royko (and, we'd argue, Bosley Crowther); thus with Walter Duranty and Herbert Matthews -- and (in time) UNCLE HHHHHWWWWWALT.

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